Friday, January 17, 2020

volcano realistic roblox day 2

I made the smoke and fire to make it look real, made the villagers houses.
Andy made the Landscape and the pool of water, grass and make it move. He also did the sun light reflecting off the water.
Michel did the volcano, He put in moving lava and such.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Floating City roblox day 1

Made By Jack.W ,  Andy.L,  Michel.B
At the beginning we started with little citys
then we added cars and a sun with roads and even more towers

Friday, January 10, 2020

fireworks roblox

for this. i moves the little block in the air. add effect sparkles and change colors. then changed location to 0,0,0 and fixed it inside the settings.
all taken from

camp fire roblox

today i made the camp fire.
it was simple.
just make a base around 3 or 4 logs, click on the base or logs and click effect fire.  click size to 10

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Roblox platform

This the base line.
i made 3 invisible barriers to keep people from falling.
made the land underneath winter and snow

Day 5 slide show desert skies