Thursday, December 5, 2019

Day 1

  • What TYPE of game is this?
    it is a adventure, and mystery game.
    What did you do yesterday to win the game?
    I didnt win, but i found items to a gun to kill the seeker
    Explain what you see and how to play the game.
    i see desert and supplies, you use those supplies to go up to the next location, when there you can craft and get more items
    SIX- screenshots 3 of items to collect - with captions

  • 3 of the scenery - with captions
  • add your blog address - in the image
  • add a caption explaining what each item is - under the image
What is your plan?

  • 3 of the scenery - with captions

  • 3 of items to collect - with captions

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

code #1

i learned how to make squares on this thing, kinda hard but it gets easier every time

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Grape Thanos

How i did it.
I grabbed two images, i took a grape and put it in the thanos picture.
i cropped out thanos head and replaces it with the grape head.
i used the buner and blur tool on the neck to the back.
I changed the color balance to black and made it brighter with the curves

Wednesday, September 18, 2019


Spider Pig

How i did it.
I grabbed two images, i took off the pigs head and put it in the spiders picture.
i cropped out the spiders head and replaces it with the pigs head.
i used the buner and blur tool on the neck to the back, i then copied the pigs head to the legs so it looks like one. i made more eyes with the copy tool to.
I changed the color balance to black and made it brighter with the curves

Day 5 slide show desert skies